

After all, its the future of business communication that were looking toward. – Jim Barksdale

Being a good Hans Haacke student, part of his influence on me is that theres no difference between a gallery show and a film – or even an ad and a T-shirt-in terms of cultural legitimacy. Theyre just different contexts in which to have some sort of communication. – Mike Mills

Republicans use think tanks to come up with a lot of their messages. The think tanks are the single worst, most undisciplined example of communication Ive ever seen. – Frank Luntz

It has to be able to play at the maximum expression and communication in every style, and the only way you can do that is – like Verdi said – working with a file, every day, little by little, until the orchestras collective qualities emerge. – James Levine

I mean, what is music anyway? Its a form of communication – at least for me it is. And thats why I play the kind of music that I think – that I hope – can communicate with people. – Kenny G

I didnt know folk music growing up, no. Its something Ive come to study, really, because I think theres so much to learn from traditional music in the sense of the way music began as a way of communication, the traveling storyteller, the bard, the minstrels. – P. J. Harvey

Communication is the key, and its one thing I had to learn-to talk to the actors. I was so involved with the visual and technical aspects that I would forget about the actors. – Steve Buscemi

I find that communication as an actor and person is an important part of who I am. And Im really drawn into the psychology of those dynamics. – Zachary Quinto

Its so important for those living with chronic pain to establish good communication with both their healthcare professionals and caregivers. Clear communication about pain is vital to receiving proper diagnosis and effective treatment. – Naomi Judd

The biggest lesson Ive learned by living abroad for the last four years is the importance of communication. – Hidetoshi Nakata

It is difficult to imagine how any behavior in the presence of another person can avoid being a communication of ones own view of the nature of ones relationship with that person and how it can fail to influence that person. – Paul Watzlawick

Yes, it must be something that goes very well with my voice, lets say something that I understand that this would be good communication with the others, and I dont pretend for instance, to look for music that would be something that doesnt go with my personality. – Victoria de los Angeles

People arent going to talk about it except me and that is communication and the visits I have personally had in our meetings with our store managers saying if you do these things you will be terminated, period. – Lee Scott

Without television and mass communication, that knowledge wouldnt exist. So I think it actually has the possibility of turning people into more understanding and more empathetic people. – John Warnock

I think sex is very interesting for most people, but Im interested in sex as a way of communication, Im not that interested in the fantasy version of a sex scene. – Maggie Gyllenhaal

Im glad you asked that question, because of any musical situation Ive been in, the communication feels great here with Russell. He really pays close attention to what Im doing because he cares. – Benny Green

In this great age of communication, there a lot of people you cant actually understand. I know everyone tweets, and twits and texts and all that, but actually weve all got voices, and it is awfully nice to hear them and if you can understand what people are saying. – Penelope Keith

But despite the universality of URLs, we often forget that theyre not just a handy way to address network resources. Theyre also valuable communication tools. – Jesse James Garrett

Its communication – thats what theatre is all about. – Chita Rivera

I dont start with a design objective, I start with a communication objective. I feel my project is successful if it communicates what it is supposed to communicate. – Mike Davidson