

I didnt have a lot of communication with Elvis. You had to go through a barricade to get to Elvis. It was people hanging on every word, and I felt very uncomfortable a lot of times. – Mac Davis

If you improve a teachers self-esteem, confidence, communication skills or stress levels, you improve that teachers overall effectiveness across the curriculum. – Elaine MacDonald

Canadas a huge country, so to be able to unite the country through communication satellite technology or to be able to observe it through remote sensing technology from space is a natural fit for a country like Canada. – Marc Garneau

Significant officials at publicly traded companies are casually and cavalierly engaged in insider trading. Because insider trading has as one of its elements communication, it doesnt take rocket science to realize its nice to have the communication on tape. – Preet Bharara

The Internet has changed everything. We expect to know everything instantly. If you dont understand digital communication, youre at a disadvantage. – Bob Parsons

You know, Quincy Jones was a great mentor, but he was a man in a mans world. Fortunately hes a very sensitive man and a beautiful human being, and even though he was 14 or 15 years older than me, hes a capable human being and has great communication skills. – Lesley Gore

The fact that we are I dont know how many millions of people, yet communication, complete communication, is completely impossible between two of those people, is to me one of the biggest tragic themes in the world. – Georges Simenon

People break down after a couple of hours. All the defenses go down, and theres a kind of communication that if I spent 20 years in a living room with one of these people, I would never, never know as much about them as I do in that one day. – Lee Grant

Its about communication. Its about honesty. Its about treating people in the organization as deserving to know the facts. You dont try to give them half the story. You dont try to hide the story. You treat them as – as true equals, and you communicate and you communicate and communicate. – Lou Gerstner

It is vital that the United States maintains open lines of communication with our allies. We must assure them of our commitment to eradicating global terrorism wherever it may reside or wherever its given haven. – George Allen

The first work of the director is to set a mood so that the actors work can take place, so that the actor can create. And in order to do that, you have to communicate, communicate with the actors. And direction is about communication on all levels. – William Friedkin

I have seen that technology has contributed to improved communication, that its contributed to better health care, that its contributed to better food supplies, that it has contributed to all the basic human needs. – John Warnock

You know, my dad wasnt a photographer or filmmaker by profession, but on Sundays, he would take pictures of me and my family or his pals horseback riding, and it was a means of communication and affection, a means of not being so dysfunctional with each other. – Bruce Weber

My approach is so simple every song I sing, every story I tell, every move I make, must move the audience to laughter, tears, or inspiration. Otherwise, why do it? Its the communication. – John Davidson

I wrote somewhere during the Cold War that I sometimes wish the Iron Curtain were much taller than it is, so that you could see whether the development of science with no communication was parallel on the two sides. In this case it certainly wasnt. – Thomas Gold

Music is the greatest communication in the world. Even if people dont understand the language that youre singing in, they still know good music when they hear it. – Lou Rawls

Communication is very important. And the arts do that, whether its film or theater. – Anne Archer

Of what does not concern you say nothing good or bad. – Italian Proverb

From listening comes wisdom and from speaking, repentance. – Proverb

You people are telling me what you think I want to know. I want to know what is actually happening. – Creighton Abrams