Jack Wootton enjoys cooking, gardening, and long conversations accompanied by a well-brewed pint. – J. Aleksandr Wootton, “About the Author,” www.jackwootton.com
Nobody seems more obsessed by diet than our anti-materialistic, otherworldly, New Age spiritual types. But if the material world is merely illusion, an honest guru should be as content with Budweiser and bratwurst as with raw carrot juice, tofu and seaweed slime. – Edward Abbey
I wrote The Green Eye of the Little Yellow God in five hours, but I had it all planned out. It isnt poetry and it does not pretend to be, but it does what it sets out to do. – J. Milton Hayes
Without cultural sanction, most or all our religious beliefs and rituals would fall into the domain of mental disturbance. – John F. Schumaker, Corruption of Reality, Unified Theory of Religion, Hypnosis a