Quotes by

Jay Chiat

Im uncomfortable when Im comfortable. I have to start something new-in the agency or in my personal life-every two years or so. Taking risks gives me energy. I cant help it, its my personality. Id like to think its not really a compulsion toward high risks, but the spirit of an entrepreneur. – Jay Chiat

You start losing a client the moment you get it. – Jay Chiat

How big can we get before we get bad? – Jay Chiat

My real talent was for losing clients. – Jay Chiat

Now that Im a client, I understand what a jerk I was. – Jay Chiat

Our technology is very scalable. Our software can accommodate enormous numbers of clients. Its a marvelous opportunity. Well keep developing products. – Jay Chiat

Technology is the fashion of the 90s. It affects everyone, and everyone is interested in it – either from fear of being left behind or because they have a real need to use technology. – Jay Chiat

Second, were spending a huge amount of money on technology so that everyone can check out laptops and portable phones. Were spending more money to write our existing information into databases or onto CD-ROM. – Jay Chiat

But I think technology advertising will have to stop addressing how products are made and concentrate more on what a product will do for the consumer. – Jay Chiat

The intellectual architecture means focusing on doing great work instead of focusing on agency politics. – Jay Chiat

The team architecture means setting up an organization that helps people produce that great work in teams. – Jay Chiat