Apothegms are portable wisdom, the quintessential extracts of thought and feelings. – William R. Alger
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What gems of painting or statuary are in the world of art, or what flowers are in the world of nature, are gems of thought to the cultivated and thinking. – Attributed to Oliver Wendell Holmes in Excellent Quotations for Home and School
Say what you want without saying it yourself: quote. Very useful, this, sometimes lovely, and versatile, too: big thoughts in small pieces, neatly wrapped and bundled in bulk, in different flavors for different tastes. – Willis Goth Regier, Quotology, 2010
I enjoy collecting quotations. When I find a choice one I pounce on it like a lepidopterist. My day is made. When I lose one because I did not copy it out at once I feel bereft. – R.I. Fitzhenry, preface to The David & Charles Book of Quotations, September 198
When youre an artist, theres always a moment in your life when you think youre not inspired and instead of doing things and instead of travel and instead of falling in love, youre just depressed, so you dont move, so you dont change. So youre not inspired. – Melanie Laurent
The research rat of the future allows experimentation without manipulation of the real world. This is the cutting edge of modeling technology. – John Spencer
However great an evil immorality may be, we must not forget that it is not without its beneficial consequences. It is only through extremes that men can arrive at the middle path of wisdom and virtue. – Wilhelm von Humboldt