Quote by Aldous Huxley
The amelioration of the world cannot be achieved by sacrifices in

The amelioration of the world cannot be achieved by sacrifices in moments of crisis; it depends on the efforts made and constantly repeated during the humdrum, uninspiring periods, which separate one crisis from another, and of which normal lives mainly consist. – Aldous Huxley

Other quotes by Aldous Huxley

To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs. – Aldous Huxley

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There isnt any formula or method. You learn to love by loving – by paying attention and doing what one thereby discovers has to be done. – Aldous Huxley

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Reform, Correction

I think I am better than the people who are trying to reform me. – Edward W. Howe

Every reform was once a private opinion, and when it shall be a private opinion again, it will solve the problem of the age. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

People who love soft methods and hate iniquity forget this, — that reform consists in taking a bone from a dog. Philosophy will not do it. – John Jay Chapman

People who have reformed themselves has contributed their full share towards the reformation of their neighbor. – Norman Douglas

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