Quote by Elizabeth Edwards
I was a 16-year-old girl at one point, so of course I wrote poetry

I was a 16-year-old girl at one point, so of course I wrote poetry. – Elizabeth Edwards

Other quotes by Elizabeth Edwards

What we hope to achieve is a society that doesnt value a white man because hes a white man, but also doesnt value a woman because shes a woman, or a black because hes a black. – Elizabeth Edwards

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A lot of people have great hope, and a lot of people who have great hope live. And, some of them who have great hope die. So its not that hope is going to save you. – Elizabeth Edwards

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Let my life as Poet begin. I want the life of the Poet. I have labored for over twelve years, one thousand pages of prose. Now, I want the easiness of poetry. The brevity of the poem. – Maxine Hong Kingston


To be born in Wales, not with a silver spoon in your mouth, but, with music in your blood and with poetry in your soul, is a privilege indeed. – Brian Harris


A very intimate sense of the expressiveness of outward things, which ponders, listens, penetrates, where the earlier, less developed consciousness passed lightly by, is an important element in the general temper of our modern poetry. – Walter Pater


When I hit a block, regardless of what I am writing, what the subject matter is, or whats going on in the plot, I go back and I read Pablo Nerudas poetry. I dont actually speak Spanish, so I read it translation. But I always go back to Neruda. I dont know why, but it calms me, calms my brain. – Tea Obreht


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