Quote by Albert Camus
The world is never quiet, even its silence eternally resounds with

The world is never quiet, even its silence eternally resounds with the same notes, in vibrations which escape our ears. As for those that we perceive, they carry sounds to us, occasionally a chord, never a melody. – Albert Camus

Other quotes by Albert Camus

True debauchery is liberating because it creates no obligations. In it you possess only yourself, hence it remains the favorite pastime of the great lovers of their own person. – Albert Camus

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Our civilization survives in the complacency of cowardly or malignant minds — a sacrifice to the vanity of aging adolescents. In 1953, excess is always a comfort, and sometimes a career. – Albert Camus

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Other Quotes from
Sound, Noise

In antiquity there was only silence. In the nineteenth century, with the invention of the machine, Noise was born. Today, Noise triumphs and reigns supreme over the sensibility of men. – Luigi Russolo

Sound, Noise

He who sleeps in continual noise is wakened by silence. – William Dean Howells

Sound, Noise

All this talk and turmoil and noise and movement and desire is outside of the veil; within the veil is silence and calm and rest. – Bayazid Al-Bistami

Sound, Noise

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