Quote by Nancy Meyers
Im no actor. And I wasnt like George Lucas or Spielberg, making ho

Im no actor. And I wasnt like George Lucas or Spielberg, making home movies as a teenager, either. But I would go back and watch certain movies again and again. By the time I saw The Graduate I was aware of how these amazing stories could be told. – Nancy Meyers

Other quotes by Nancy Meyers

Theres a hardening of the culture. Reality TV has lowered the standards of entertainment. Youre left wondering about the legitimacy of relationships. Its probably harder to entertain the same people with a more classic form of writing, and romantic comedies are a classic genre. – Nancy Meyers

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I dont diet, I dont do fads, Ive just decided to not eat carbs. So no more bread and pasta for the month. I cant live without chocolate, though. Ive always got a bar in my handbag. It has to be 72%. Any less and its too sweet, any more and its inedible. Like I said, Im very particular. – Nancy Meyers

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L.A. Woman is amazing, but when I was growing up I was into the Who. – Bruce McCulloch


Hes this amazing ambassador for all superheroes. What weve made as a film not only examines that but is also an amazing adventure story. Its been an honor to work on. As a comic book fan, Superman is like the Rosetta Stone of all superheroes. – Zack Snyder


Science is one of a handful of things that defines us as a very special species. It is amazing how far we have been able to get and how accurate our predictions are. I think understanding how the universe was born is very important. It really gives us a perspective on many things. – Yuri Milner


I jetset around and play these songs and get to hang with some pretty amazing people, then I go home to a really great farm, though actually its a disaster area of a farm at the moment. But its certainly a blast. I wouldnt trade lives with anyone right now. – Brad Paisley


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