With music, you often dont have to translate it. It just affects you, and you dont know why. – David Byrne
Quote by David Byrne
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It seems almost backwards to me that my music seems the more emotional outlet, and the art stuff seems more about ideas. – David Byrne
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Nevertheless the passions, whether violent or not, should never be so expressed as to reach the point of causing disgust and music, even in situations of the greatest horror, should never be painful to the ear but should flatter and charm it, and thereby always remain music. – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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My mom cant defend herself to the world. She is such an amazing woman, with such an open heart. Its a real hard line, and I crossed it. I took everyones life story and assumed it would be a great thing to put on screen. I was being selfish and I feel so horrible about it. I feel so guilty. – Nikki Reed