When you lead change, sometimes you get arrows in your back. I mean, thats just the way the real world is. – Carly Fiorina
Well I think money has been going into political campaigns for a very long time. – Carly Fiorina
When you lead change, sometimes you get arrows in your back. I mean, thats just the way the real world is. – Carly Fiorina
Well I think money has been going into political campaigns for a very long time. – Carly Fiorina
The truth is in California you cant build a new manufacturing facility, and businesses are leaving in droves because of bad government policy. – Carly Fiorina
You know, I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. – Carly Fiorina
As a politician, you have to deal with someone wanting you to fail every day. I think I prefer being in a situation where generally people are rooting for me, and if they arent rooting for me, they arent out there to see my downfall. I respect the people who have the stomach for it. – John Legend