When it comes time to die, make sure all you got to do is die. – Attributed to Jim Elliot
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Carpe Diem
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die the world cries and you rejoice. – Indian Saying
Life happens too fast for you ever to think about it. If you could just persuade people of this, but they insist on amassing information. – Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Waste not the smallest thing created, for grains of sand make mountains, and atomies infinity. Waste not the smallest time in imbecile infirmity, for well thou knowest that seconds form eternity. – E. Knight
People may live as much retired from the world as they like, but sooner or later they find themselves debtor or creditor to some one. – Johann von Goethe