Quote by Samuel Johnson
What a strange narrowness of mind now is that, to think the things

What a strange narrowness of mind now is that, to think the things we have not known are better than the things we have known. – Samuel Johnson

Other quotes by Samuel Johnson

I have protracted my work till most of those whom I wished to please have sunk into the grave, and success and miscarriage are empty sounds: I therefore dismiss it with frigid tranquillity, having little to fear or hope from censure or from praise. – Samuel Johnson

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Some people have a foolish way of not minding, or pretending not to mind, what they eat. For my part, I mind my belly very studiously, and very carefully; for I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else. – Samuel Johnson

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The luster of diamonds is invigorated by the interposition of darker bodies; the lights of a picture are created by the shades; the highest pleasure which nature has indulged to sensitive perception is that of rest after fatigue. – Samuel Johnson

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Wise Words

Good for the body is the work of the body, and good for the soul is the work of the soul, and good for either is the work of the other. – Henry David Thoreau

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There is often less danger in the things we fear than in the things we desire. – John C. Collins

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So often our greatest triumph is a willing surrender. – Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com

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Wake up, do your best, sleep, repeat. – Thingsweforget.blogspot.com, #660

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