Quote by Jeremy Renner
What matters to me is learning and growing, and getting to do what

What matters to me is learning and growing, and getting to do what I love to do. As long as I can do that, Im happy. – Jeremy Renner

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Architecture and building is about how you get around the obstacles that are presented to you. That sometimes determines how successful youll be: How good are you at going around obstacles? – Jeremy Renner

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The movie business is very difficult but the music business is just impossible. So Ill play in bands and record and play songs with other people, but for me its a form of expression that all I need is me. I dont need cameras or agents, I can just have a piano and sing and feel totally verified. – Jeremy Renner

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I can look back at stuff I wrote in my early days and squirm at some of the mistakes I made. But were all learning every day we never stop. I just hope people keep on liking what I do. That gives me such a kick. – Paul Kane


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