Quote by Federico Fellini
What is an artist? A provincial who finds himself somewhere betwee

What is an artist? A provincial who finds himself somewhere between a physical reality and a metaphysical one. Its this in-between…this frontier country between the tangible world and the intangible one — which is really the realm of the artist. – Federico Fellini

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Artist, The

The artist, a traveller on this earth, leaves behind imperishable traces of his being. – Francois Delsarte

Artist, The

For the serious artist does not satisfy needs – Anthony Burgess

Artist, The

Taste! It doesnt exist. An artist makes beautiful things without being aware of it. – Edgar Degas

Artist, The

The dignity of the artist lies in his duty of keeping awake the sense of wonder in the world. In this long vigil he often has to vary his methods of stimulation; but in this long vigil he is also himself striving against a continual tendency to sleep. – Marc Chagall

Artist, The

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