Quote by John Oldham
I wear my Pen as others do their Sword. To each affronting sot I m

I wear my Pen as others do their Sword. To each affronting sot I meet, the word Is Satisfaction: straight to thrusts I go, And pointed satire runs him through and through. – John Oldham

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Satire is tragedy plus time. You give it enough time, the public, the reviewers will allow you to satirize it. Which is rather ridiculous, when you think about it. – Lenny Bruce


Unless a love of virtue light the flame,
Satire is, more than those he brands, to blame;
He hides behind a magisterial air
He own offences, and strips others bare. – William Cowper


Why should we fear; and what? The laws?
They all are armed in virtues cause;
And aiming at the self-same end,
Satire is always virtues friend. – Charles Churchill


Satire is a sort of glass wherein beholders do generally discover everybodys face but their own; which is the chief reason for that kind reception it meets with in the world, and that so very few are offended with it. – Jonathan Swift


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