Quote by Keanu Reeves
You want to play another kind of character in another genre, and i

You want to play another kind of character in another genre, and its been something Ive been trying to do if I can in the career so far, and its something I hope to continue because its interesting to me and you get to do different things as an actor. – Keanu Reeves

Other quotes by Keanu Reeves

I had the classic 40 meltdown. I did. Its embarrassing. It was pretty funny. But then I recovered. To me, it was like a second adolescence. Hormonally, my body was changing, my mind was changing, and so my relationship to myself and the world around me came to this assault of finiteness. – Keanu Reeves

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The whole aspect of cinema and film festivals should be a moment to come together and celebrate art and humanity. It would be a shame if there was such a divide. – Keanu Reeves

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At the end of the day, my hope is that when the new Medicare- Prescription Drug Law gets up and fully running a lot more seniors will pay a whole lot less than they do today for their much-needed medications. – Dennis Hastert


Ive had nine of my books adapted to film, and almost all were enjoyable. Ive been very lucky with Hollywood, and look forward to more movies being adapted. But I dont get involved in that process. I know nothing about making movies and I stay away from it and hope for the best. – John Grisham


Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in a lifetime therefore we must be saved by hope. – Reinhold Niebuhr


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