The voice collects and translates your bad physical health, your emotional worries, your personal troubles. – Placido Domingo
The public made me and then encouraged me for many years, and my future even now depends upon it. – Placido Domingo
The voice collects and translates your bad physical health, your emotional worries, your personal troubles. – Placido Domingo
The public made me and then encouraged me for many years, and my future even now depends upon it. – Placido Domingo
Every three days on average, I am alone on stage, facing the public. – Placido Domingo
If money was my only motivation, I would organize myself differently. – Placido Domingo
Ultimately, literature is nothing but carpentry…. Both are very hard work. Writing something is almost as hard as making a table. With both you are working with reality, a material just as hard as wood. Both are full of tricks and techniques. Basically very little magic and a lot of hard work… – Gabriel Garcia Marquez, interview, The Paris Review, 1981