And wow! Hey! What’s this thing coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding word like… ow… ound… round… ground! That’s it! That’s a good name — ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me? – Douglas Adams
Making an album should be an honest experience. It shouldnt be about trying to gauge where popular music is today it should be about artistic expression and putting down what you want to put down. – Scott Weiland
I think every student needs access to technology, and I think technology can be a hugely important vehicle to help level the playing field. – Arne Duncan
While I have felt lonely many times in my life, the oddest feeling of all was after my mother, Lucille, died. My father had already died, but I always had some attachment to our big family while she was alive. It seems strange to say now that I felt so lonely, yet I did. – Bill Murray