Quote by Michael Bloomberg
This is the city of dreamers and time and again its the place wher

This is the city of dreamers and time and again its the place where the greatest dream of all, the American dream, has been tested and has triumphed. – Michael Bloomberg

Other quotes by Michael Bloomberg

Yes, they broke the law, but we cant deport them. Lets get over this pointing fingers and do something about that, whether it – they have to pay a fine, learn to speak English, the history, you can do that. And then you have to give visas for the skills we need. – Michael Bloomberg

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The readers are the ones who let us live our dreams. I try to write books which are really compelling – that youd take on vacation and rather than going out, youd read in your hotel room because you had to find out what happened. Hopefully thats what readers are responding to. – Harlan Coben


The only book by a modern president that bears serious comparison with Obamas Dreams From My Father is Jimmy Carters short campaign autobiography, Why Not the Best?, published in 1975. – Jonathan Raban


Most reality shows arent reality at all. Theyre game shows with no prize. Like Rock of Love. His arent genuine feelings. Then again, Bob Barker didnt really care whether or not you won the toaster. Sorry to shatter everyones dreams. – Hal Sparks


My career was full of struggles and dreams, disappointments and peaks and valleys. But there was no Twitter, no Facebook or TMZ. Young actors could make mistakes and not become the focus of tabloids. – Ricky Schroder


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My dad believes in God, I think. Im not sure if my mom does. I dont. – Daniel Radcliffe


Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in. – Author Unknown

Im not a royal family watcher. – Bill Nighy
