Quote by Mindy Kaling
I think a lot of writers, male and female, write as if their paren

I think a lot of writers, male and female, write as if their parents were killed in a car accident when they were 2, and they have no one to hold accountable. And unfortunately, I dont have that. I have parents who I care about what they think. – Mindy Kaling

Other quotes by Mindy Kaling

My dads whole family is in Madras and I was born in America so we didnt have that big Indian community. I dont really have anything interesting to say about it. When I talk about it people are like, meh, lets talk about something else. – Mindy Kaling

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People dont want to listen to a celebrity tweeting about their charities and shows. Thats why comedy writers do well – we put out little funny ideas. – Mindy Kaling

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We always think of a diet with a big groan. But I think diets are fun. I think it is an American pastime for a lot of women. – Mindy Kaling

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I would never kill a living thing, although I probably have inadvertently while driving automobiles. – Don Van Vliet


If a movie is really working, you forget for two hours your Social Security number and where your car is parked. You are having a vicarious experience. You are identifying, in one way or another, with the people on the screen. – Roger Ebert


I wanted to be a mechanic. When I was 14 I wanted to quit school and go work on my car. But my dad said Son, you shouldnt do that. You should stay in school until your education is finished, and when youre done, dont make your hobby your job. – Eric Bana


I dont get rattled about the big things. I get rattled when I have to pick up my laundry, get gas in the car, pick up a script. – Sherry Stringfield


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What a blessing it is to be alone with your thoughts when so many are alone with their inability to think. – Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com
