Quote by John Abizaid
And so I think that if the person has the funds, the network, and

And so I think that if the person has the funds, the network, and the equipment to do this, and also the experience, which is the key factor, then they can be quite deadly. – John Abizaid

Other quotes by John Abizaid

Well try to include Iraqi officers in our staffs. We will do everything we can to empower Iraqi security forces to stand up on their own and operate where they can alone. – John Abizaid

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I think what actually works best is local-level individual targeting of key leadership nodes. – John Abizaid

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To use the same words is not a sufficient guarantee of understanding one must use the same words for the same genus of inward experience ultimately one must have ones experiences in common. – Friedrich Nietzsche


There is no winning or losing, but rather the value is in the experience of imagining yourself as a character in whatever genre youre involved in, whether its a fantasy game, the Wild West, secret agenst or whatever else. You get to sort of vicariously experience those things. – Gary Gygax


The questions which one asks oneself begin, at least, to illuminate the world, and become ones key to the experience of others. – James A. Baldwin


The things I was allowed to experience, the people I was able to call friends, teammates, mentors, coaches and opponents, the travel, all of it, are far more than anything I ever thought possible in my lifetime. – Curt Schilling


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