Quote by Tiffeny Milbrett
I think its sad to me that I had to make a decision to not play th

I think its sad to me that I had to make a decision to not play the game that I feel like Im best at and that I love. But if it was just about the game itself, Id be there in a heartbeat. But thats not how the real world works. – Tiffeny Milbrett

Other quotes by Tiffeny Milbrett

I am somebody who… – Im not saying Im perfect, but I need that freedom, that ability to make mistakes out there. Because theres a fine line between making a mistake or being brilliant. – Tiffeny Milbrett

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You cant ask every player to do the same thing. Thats why we have amazing midfielders, defenders, forwards and keepers. You cant ask them to be of the same mold. – Tiffeny Milbrett

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