Quote by Chester Brown
I think people should have the legal right to hurt themselves with

I think people should have the legal right to hurt themselves without fearing that theyre going to get locked up for doing so. But on a personal level, if someone I loved was hurting himself or herself in front of me, I would, of course, try to restrain them. – Chester Brown

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I was looking to do something non-fiction because I had done a strip, My Mom Was a Schizophrenic. I really enjoyed the process of doing that strip, despite its subject matter. To do it Id had to do a lot of research and reading and I figured Id like to do that again. – Chester Brown

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If looking at porn makes you kill people, then Joe Matt should be the biggest serial killer ever. Bundy may have believed that porn made him a murderer, but the experience of millions of peaceful non-murdering porn-consumers around the world proves him wrong. – Chester Brown

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Thats the thing. in medicine, youre used to saying theres a problem within the person, and saying theres a problem within the culture, thats not a medical answer. Medicine has to look in one direction, so theres only one type of answer that they can find. – Chester Brown

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Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts and souls of the citizens. – Plato


One of the things I was taught in law school is that Id never be able to think the same again – that being a lawyer is something thats part of who I am as an individual now. – Anita Hill


I know how easy it is for one to stay well within moral, ethical, and legal bounds through the skillful use of words – and to thereby spin, sidestep, circumvent, or bend a truth completely out of shape. To that extent, we are all liars on numerous occasions. – Sidney Poitier


The legal system is often a mystery, and we, its priests, preside over rituals baffling to everyday citizens. – Henry Miller


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