Quote by Rob Brydon
I think its almost an indulgence to focus on the dark side of thin

I think its almost an indulgence to focus on the dark side of things. And as you get older, you want to focus on the positive. – Rob Brydon

Other quotes by Rob Brydon

The thing is, when I had my first success it did coincide with the end of my first marriage, and because I went on to have a very, very unhappy two years, I dont think I equate career success with personal happiness. – Rob Brydon

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When youre a kid, I think you want to be a film star. And Im not as enamoured with that any more. The reality of that life is a lot of travel, and a lot of being away, which is impractical because I have four children, so I dont want to be away that much, not the other side of the world away. – Rob Brydon

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When Ive had hard times in my life, the one thing about being in TV is that its positive. I withdrew to Cheers, it was familiar in that it was family. It had a kind of realistic positiveness to it. – Bruno Heller


I think I make films to help bolster and feed the part of me that wants to remain in a positive relationship with the world and to engage in it. So hopefully in non-sentimental ways, Im trying to make something that helps make me happy. – Mike Mills


I think that Americans should gradually begin to adopt positive behavior rather than doing evil. They should not expect an immediate reaction in return for their positive measures. It will take time. – Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani


Ive had a lot of very positive feedback about those stories, and seem to have struck upon something that most people feel. I can also tap dance, and dont know many other authors who can. – Paul Kane


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