Its always been my hope, as an actor, to reveal only what is relevant about myself to the work. – Eric Bana
I guess Im a very keen observer, and Id like to think I have a good imagination. – Eric Bana
Its always been my hope, as an actor, to reveal only what is relevant about myself to the work. – Eric Bana
I guess Im a very keen observer, and Id like to think I have a good imagination. – Eric Bana
When I go on the plane to fly home, Im literally capable of forgetting what I do for a job. That also comes about because I choose to take massive breaks between projects, and because I choose to do this ridiculous thing of keeping home, home. – Eric Bana
I fell in love with many women at school who had no idea I existed. Im a bit of a romantic. – Eric Bana
You have perhaps waited for years to be freed from some need. For a long, long time you have looked out from the darkness in search of the light, and have had a difficult problem in life that you have not been able to solve in spite of great efforts. And then, when the time was fulfilled and God – Eberhard Arnold