I love my family very much. I wish I could see them a little more often than I do. But we understand because were a show business family and we all work. – Michael Jackson
I think everybody has their own way of looking at their lives as some kind of pilgrimage. Some people will see their role as a pilgrim in terms of setting up a fine family, or establishing a business inheritance. Everyones got their own definition. – Eric Clapton
I should like to know who has been carried off, except poor dear me — I have been more ravished myself than anybody since the Trojan war. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron
Youth is the period in which a man can be hopeless. The end of every episode is the end of the world. But the power of hoping through everything, the knowledge that the soul survives its adventures, that great inspiration comes to the middle-aged. – Gilbert K. Chesterton
Everywhere I go, Im asked if I think the universities stifle writers. My opinion is that they dont stifle enough of them. Theres many a best seller that could have been prevented by a good teacher. – Flannery OConnor