Quote by Ed McMahon
There is no planning. On the night it is really great, its euphori

There is no planning. On the night it is really great, its euphoria and if it is not so great there is always tomorrow night. That was his attitude. – Ed McMahon

Other quotes by Ed McMahon

Honesty is the most single most important factor having a direct bearing on the final success of an individual, corporation, or product. – Ed McMahon

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Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. – Francesca Reigler


We must advertise to U.S. business that we are there, that our attitude has changed, and that we care. When we are asked to help, we have to perform and provide the right advice. – Lawrence Eagleburger


When I first left university, I thought about going into the private sector. But I discovered when I went to interview that I could only have a career in the back office, or doing HR. The attitude was, My dear lady, you cannot possibly think about going on the board. – Pauline Neville-Jones


If I dont make the team out of spring training, Ill keep a good attitude. Ill just go polish up the parts of my game that made me not stay in the big leagues. – Cory Lidle


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