Quote by Elihu Root
There is so much of good in human nature that men grow to like eac

There is so much of good in human nature that men grow to like each other upon better acquaintance, and this points to another way in which we may strive to promote the peace of the world. – Elihu Root

Other quotes by Elihu Root

The growth of modern constitutional government compels for its successful practice the exercise of reason and considerate judgment by the individual citizens who constitute the electorate. – Elihu Root

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Nothing is more important in the preservation of peace than to secure among the great mass of the people living under constitutional government a just conception of the rights which their nation has against others and of the duties their nation owes to others. – Elihu Root

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To deal with the true causes of war one must begin by recognizing as of prime relevancy to the solution of the problem the familiar fact that civilization is a partial, incomplete, and, to a great extent, superficial modification of barbarism. – Elihu Root

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Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances. – Mahatma Gandhi


Whatever we are waiting for – peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance – it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. – Sarah Ban Breathnach


The experts who managed the original Marshall Plan say Afghanistan needs a commitment of at least $5 to $10 billion over 5 to 10 years, coupled with occupation forces of 250,000 Allied soldiers to keep the peace throughout the country. – Ted Rall


There is something at work thats bigger than us. Its about having a trust in life and being at peace that things are happening the way they should. You do what you do as well as you can do it, and then you dont worry or agonize about the outcome. – Sherilyn Fenn


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