It takes a kind of shabby arrogance to survive in our time, and a

It takes a kind of shabby arrogance to survive in our time, and a fairly romantic nature to want to. – Edgar Z. Friedenberg

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Modern, Modernism

Postmodernism is among other things a sick joke at the expense of revolutionary avant-gardism. – Terry Eagleton

Our own epoch is determining, day by day, its own style. Our eyes, unhappily, are unable yet to discern it. – Le Corbusier

We are becoming like cats, slyly parasitic, enjoying an indifferent domesticity. Nice and snug in the social, our historic passions have withdrawn into the glow of an artificial coziness, and our half-closed eyes now seek little other than the peaceful parade of television pictures. – Jean Baudrillard

In the society of men the truth resides now less in what things are than in what they are not. Our social realities are so ugly if seen in the light of exiled truth, and beauty is no longer possible if it is not a lie. – R. D. Laing

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