Quote by Robert Hewison
Post-modernism is modernism with the optimism taken out. - Robert

Post-modernism is modernism with the optimism taken out. – Robert Hewison

Other quotes by Robert Hewison

Individually, museums are fine institutions, dedicated to the high values of preservation, education and truth; collectively, their growth in numbers points to the imaginative death of this country. – Robert Hewison

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Modern, Modernism

By Modernism I mean the positive rejection of the past and the blind belief in the process of change, in novelty for its own sake, in the idea that progress through time equates with cultural progress; in the cult of individuality, originality and self-expression. – Dan Cruickshank

It is a tribute to the peculiar horror of contemporary life that it makes the worst features of earlier times — the stupefaction of the masses, the obsessed and driven lives of the bourgeoisie — seem attractive by comparison. – Christopher Lasch

When you automate an industry you modernize it; when you automate a life you primitivize it. – Eric Hoffer

It takes a kind of shabby arrogance to survive in our time, and a fairly romantic nature to want to. – Edgar Z. Friedenberg

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