Quote by Robert Hewison
Post-modernism is modernism with the optimism taken out. - Robert

Post-modernism is modernism with the optimism taken out. – Robert Hewison

Other quotes by Robert Hewison

Individually, museums are fine institutions, dedicated to the high values of preservation, education and truth; collectively, their growth in numbers points to the imaginative death of this country. – Robert Hewison

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Modern, Modernism

In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation. – Guy Debord

I think the adjective post-modernist really means mannerist. Books about books is fun but frivolous. – Angela Carter

Dont bother about being modern. Unfortunately it is the one thing that, whatever you do, you cannot avoid. – Salvador Dali

In the society of men the truth resides now less in what things are than in what they are not. Our social realities are so ugly if seen in the light of exiled truth, and beauty is no longer possible if it is not a lie. – R. D. Laing

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