Sympathy with nature is part of a good persons religion. - Francis

Sympathy with nature is part of a good persons religion. – Francis Herbert Hedge

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Ive always liked Saturn. But I also have some sympathy for Pluto because I heard its been downgraded from a planet, and I think it should remain a planet. Once youve given something planetary status its kind of mean to take it away. – Jared Leto


When youve been raised in care, rap music isnt just about guns and sexism. Theyre talking about real things you can hang on to, problems of identity that you have sympathy with. Its not just about the music, with rap: when I was in care, it meant a whole lot more than that. – Samantha Morton


Those who would make us feel, must feel themselves. – Randolph Churchill


Heres my rule: You always want to pay cash for your own books, because if they look at the name on the credit card and then they look at the name on the book jacket, then theres this look of such profound sympathy for you that you had to resort to this. It really is withering. – Carl Hiaasen


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Fear was absolutely necessary. Without it, I would have been scared to death. – Floyd Patterson


I feel funny about owning art. I dont really want to say: Wow, come and see my Monet – its in a dark room at the bottom of my cellar. – Baz Luhrmann


There is an electric fire in human nature tending to purify – so that among these human creatures there is continually some birth of new heroism. The pity is that we must wonder at it, as we should at finding a pearl in rubbish. – John Keats


If you kiss on the first date and its not right, then there will be no second date. Sometimes its better to hold out and not kiss for a long time. I am a strong believer in kissing being very intimate, and the minute you kiss, the floodgates open for everything else. – Jennifer Lopez
