Quote by Mikhail Bakunin
I am sure that, on the one hand, the Rothschilds appreciate the me

I am sure that, on the one hand, the Rothschilds appreciate the merits of Marx, and that on the other hand, Marx feels an instinctive inclination and a great respect for the Rothschilds. – Mikhail Bakunin

Other quotes by Mikhail Bakunin

Thence results, for science as well as for industry, the necessity of the division and association of labor. I receive and I give – such is human life. Each directs and is directed in his turn. – Mikhail Bakunin

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I am truly free only when all human beings, men and women, are equally free. The freedom of other men, far from negating or limiting my freedom, is, on the contrary, its necessary premise and confirmation. – Mikhail Bakunin

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There is no need to worry about mere size. We do not necessarily respect a fat man more than a thin man. Sir Isaac Newton was very much smaller than a hippopotamus, but we do not on that account value him less. – Bertrand Russell


I want to establish a wide range and play all kinds of parts. Its that sort of acting career I really respect. I like to turn a sharp left from whatever Ive done before because that keeps me awake. Thats why I want to be an actor – I dont want to play endless variations on one character. – Tim Curry


I respect the people who buy my records and come to my concerts. Its only fair that I always try to give them the very best thats in me. After all, I need them more than they need me. – Andy Gibb


I respect only those who resist me, but I cannot tolerate them. – Charles de Gaulle


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Life, if well lived, is long enough. – Seneca, De Ira

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