I suppose your security is your success and your key to success is your fine palate. – Gordon Ramsay
My father was a swim teacher. We used to swim before school, swim after school. – Gordon Ramsay
I suppose your security is your success and your key to success is your fine palate. – Gordon Ramsay
My father was a swim teacher. We used to swim before school, swim after school. – Gordon Ramsay
When youre a chef, you graze. You never get a chance to sit down and eat. They dont actually sit down and eat before you cook. So when I finish work, the first thing Ill do, and especially when Im in New York, Ill go for a run. And Ill run 10 or 15k on my – and I run to gain my appetite. – Gordon Ramsay
The pressure on young chefs today is far greater than ever before in terms of social skills, marketing skills, cooking skills, personality and, more importantly, delivering on the plate. So you need to be strong. Physically fit. So my chefs get weighed every time they come into the kitchen. – Gordon Ramsay