Quote by Jennifer Aniston
I support women, men, anybody who is in a place thats not their st

I support women, men, anybody who is in a place thats not their strongest and who is ready to push forward. – Jennifer Aniston

Other quotes by Jennifer Aniston

Ive gone for each type: the rough guy the nerdy, sweet, lovable guy and the slick guy. I dont really have a type. Men in general are a good thing. – Jennifer Aniston

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Ive been trying to find women writers for my staff for a while now and I have three women on my staff and three guys so its pretty equal. I dont know why that is. Its been the same thing for a while. Its hard for female comedians to stand out. Thats weird. Thats a shame. – Ellen DeGeneres


You know, when you dont go on TV and talk about how many women you sleep with, some people in Hollywood, that are supposedly in the know, start whispering that youre gay. If I were gay, I wouldnt be ashamed to admit it, but Im not. – Adam Sandler


Make no mistake, most women are well aware that theyve never had it so good when they enter a spa or salon, it is purely a hair/nails thing, a prelude to an evening of guilt-free fun. – Julie Burchill


And I highly recommend for all the women in the world, even if theyre 71, you can never take for granted that he loves you. Its always good to flirt with him. Its a great sport. – Salma Hayek


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I got the wake-up call that no one is policing our oceans. I wondered, how can I do anything? What really can I do to make things better? There are some perks to being a celebrity. My job is to be funny once in a while, but its my responsibility to make good use of it. – Angela Kinsey


As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information. – Benjamin Disraeli
