Grammarians squabble, and will squabble long. – Horace (65–8B.C.), De Arte Poetica, translated by George Colman, 1783 Category: Grammar
There’s the Oxford comma, but I like the Shatner comma. It’s when you pepper them in, so, you know where, to add, dramatic pauses. – Nicole Leigh Shaw Category: Grammar
There is only one failure in life possible, and that is not to be true to the best one knows. – George Eliot Category: best
When the president does it, that means it is not illegal. – Richard Milhous Nixon Category: Watergate
I have two dream roles: One would be a biopic of someone I admire and respect and the other one would be some sort of action drama film similar to a Bourne Identity. I just really want to do an intelligent action drama film. – Michael Ealy Category: respect