Quote by English Proverb
Sorrow for a husband is like a pain in the elbow, sharp and short.

Sorrow for a husband is like a pain in the elbow, sharp and short. – English Proverb

Other quotes by English Proverb
Other Quotes from
Widow, Widowhood

Widows are divided into two classes — the bereaved and relieved. – Victor Robinson

He first deceased; she for a little tried to live without him, liked it not, and died. – Sir Henry Wotton

A widow is a fascinating being with the flavor of maturity, the spice of experience, the piquancy of novelty, the tang of practiced coquetry, and the halo of one mans approval. – Helen Rowland

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I only know it takes weeks to recover, as if one had been in a car accident. – Patricia Highsmith
