Quote by LeBron James
Sometimes in the past when I played something might make me lose f

Sometimes in the past when I played something might make me lose focus, or I would go home after a game where I thought I could have played better and I would let it hang over my head for a long time when it shouldnt. – LeBron James

Other quotes by LeBron James

To all the positions, I just bring the determination to win. Me being an unselfish player, I think that can carry on to my teammates. When you have one of the best players on the court being unselfish, I think that transfers to the other players. – LeBron James

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But sports carried me away from being in a gang, or being associated with drugs. Sports was my way out. – LeBron James

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My mom and I have always been there for each other. We had some tough times, but she was always there for me. – LeBron James

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No man can call himself liberal, or radical, or even a conservative advocate of fair play, if his work depends in any way on the unpaid or underpaid labor of women at home, or in the office. – Gloria Steinem


This whole head of the home thing has been blown way out of proportion. Some guys just take it way too far. Some parents take it way too far. Yet children need guidance. They need a parent to help and guide them. They also need a friend. They need a confidant. – Donny Osmond


I think its really important to give yourself a very big question that youre working on that you can come home to, even if you, you know, are going to have to go without a cup of coffee or even a meal, that that should nourish you. – Anna Deavere Smith


We have two dogs, Mabel and Wolf, and three cats at home, Charlie, George and Chairman. We have two cats on our farm, Tom and Little Sister, two horses, and two mini horses, Hannah and Tricky. We also have two cows, Holy and Madonna. And those are only the animals we let sleep in our bed. – Ellen DeGeneres


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