Before you can make good music, you just have to shut up. Then the music can say what it has to say. – Kristin Hersh Category: Music
In a weird kind of way, music has afforded me an idealism and perfectionism that I could never attain as me. – Billy Corgan Category: Music
In some ways, my gift for music and writing was born out of tragedy, really, and loss. – Joni Mitchell Category: Music
Ive had to keep exploring different ways of presenting the music so I dont repeat myself. – Tori Amos Category: Music
Of course I am political. You ave to be dont you? Every day it is about your future, your right to that future. Ow can people ignore this? We ave to leave a good world for our children, nest-ce pas? – Emmanuelle Beart Category: Future
Homesickness is nothing. Fifty percent of the people in the world are homesick all the time. – John Cheever Category: Home
The power of the ballot we need in sheer defense, else what shall save us from a second slavery? – W. E. B. Du Bois Category: power
There is always something left to love. And if you aint learned that, you aint learned nothing. – Lorraine Hansberry Category: Love