Quote by Judy Collins
I had some wonderful dreaming meetings. I cant tell you specifical

I had some wonderful dreaming meetings. I cant tell you specifically what theyve been in the recent months. In the past theyve been verbal kinds of messages that he needed to give me. Now theyre more dreams of his presence. – Judy Collins

Other quotes by Judy Collins

I think people who are creative are the luckiest people on earth. I know that there are no shortcuts, but you must keep your faith in something Greater than You, and keep doing what you love. Do what you love, and you will find the way to get it out to the world. – Judy Collins

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I dont dream songs. Im more apt to write dreams down and then to be able to interpret them into a song. I also tend to get up and write prose in the morning from which will come songs. – Judy Collins

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For many centuries, suicides were treated like criminals by the society. That is part of the terrible legacy that has come down into societys method of handling suicide recovery. Now we have to fight off the demons that have been hanging around suicide for centuries. – Judy Collins

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Sometimes your dreams come true. – Frank Bruno


To all the kids out there: Follow your dream. Believe in your dream. Because dreams do come true. – Rickey Henderson


My new life goes beyond my dreams because my dream was Formula One and I achieved it. Im a driver, I feel like a driver. I have won this race because I am alive. – Maria de Villota


There are a lot of things that are personally uncomfortable to show, especially me without makeup and completely bloated or crying. But Ive realized that its time for me to show my audience that you dont have to be perfect to achieve your dreams. Because nobody relates to being perfect. – Katy Perry


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