Quote by Matthew Green
Or to some coffee-house I stray, For news, the manna of the da

Or to some coffee-house I stray,
For news, the manna of the day,
And from the hipp – Matthew Green

Other quotes by Matthew Green
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Coffee (or Tea)

After all, coffee is bitter, a flavor from the forbidden and dangerous realm. – Diane Ackerman

Coffee (or Tea)

Its proper use is to amuse the idle, and relax the studious, and dilute the full meals of those who cannot use exercise, and will not use abstinence. – Samuel Johnson

Coffee (or Tea)

The trouble with tea is that originally it was quite a good drink. So a group of the most eminent British scientists put their heads together, and made complicated biological experiments to find a way of spoiling it. To the eternal glory of British science their labor bore fruit. – George Mikes

Coffee (or Tea)

Tea, though ridiculed by those who are naturally coarse in their nervous sensibilities will always be the favorite beverage of the intellectual. – Thomas De Quincey

Coffee (or Tea)

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