Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary. – Blaise Pascal
That we must love one God only is a thing so evident that it does not require miracles to prove it. – Blaise Pascal
Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary. – Blaise Pascal
That we must love one God only is a thing so evident that it does not require miracles to prove it. – Blaise Pascal
Chance gives rise to thoughts, and chance removes them no art can keep or acquire them. – Blaise Pascal
Mans true nature being lost, everything becomes his nature as, his true good being lost, everything becomes his good. – Blaise Pascal
It is well to know something of the manners of various peoples, in order more sanely to judge our own, and that we do not think that everything against our modes is ridiculous, and against reason, as those who have seen nothing are accustomed to think. – René Descartes, Discourse on the Method, 1637 (translated)