Quote by Alfred Jarry
We shall not have succeeded in demolishing everything unless we de

We shall not have succeeded in demolishing everything unless we demolish the ruins as well. But the only way I can see of doing that is to use them to put up a lot of fine, well-designed buildings. – Alfred Jarry

Other quotes by Alfred Jarry

It is conventional to call monster any blending of dissonant elements. I call monster every original inexhaustible beauty. – Alfred Jarry

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Blind and unwavering undisciplined at all times constitutes the real strength of all free men. – Alfred Jarry

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Other Quotes from
Destruction, Destructive

It was only natural to want to destroy something you could never have. – Janet Fitch

The destructive character lives from the feeling, not that life is worth living, but that suicide is not worth the trouble. – Walter Benjamin

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