It is generally much more shameful to lose a good reputation than never to have acquired it. – Pliny The Elder Category: Reputation
Should envious tongues some malice frame; to soil and tarnish your good name; Live it Down! – Henry Rink Category: Reputation
We would all like a reputation for generosity and wed all like to buy it cheap. – Mignon McLaughlin Category: Reputation
Good will, like a good name, is got by many actions, and lost by one. – Lord Jeffrey Category: Reputation
Not what we experience, but how we perceive what we experience, determines our fate. – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach Category: Experience
The function of a friend is not to have a function. – Detlef Cordes, Category: Friendship
The real American type can never be a ballet dancer. The legs are too long, the body too supple and the spirit too free for this school of affected grace and toe walking. – Isadora Duncan Category: Dance, Dancing