Letters to absence can a voice impart,
And lend a tongue when distance gags the heart. – Horace Walpole
Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he isnt. A sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is. – Horace Walpole
Letters to absence can a voice impart,
And lend a tongue when distance gags the heart. – Horace Walpole
Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he isnt. A sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is. – Horace Walpole
Men are sent into the world with bills of credit, and seldom draw to their full extent. – Horace Walpole
Nine-tenths of the people were created so you would want to be with the other tenth. – Horace Walpole
In a mans letters you know, Madam, his soul lies naked, his letters are only the mirror of his breast, whatever passes within him is shown undisguised in its natural process. Nothing is inverted, nothing distorted, you see systems in their elements, you discover actions in their motives. – Samuel Johnson