I get recognised sometimes, and thats really cool. Ive tried certain disguises, but that doesnt work. – Rupert Grint
Quote by Rupert Grint

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In terms of filming, yes, it really does feel over now. Theres a real sense of freedom now. Its a good time to finish, I think. As much as Im going to miss it Im ready to move on and do different things. – Rupert Grint
Id like to have the flying car, I think thatd be really cool. – Rupert Grint
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Jews have a special relationship to books, and the Haggadah has been translated more widely, and reprinted more often, than any other Jewish book. It is not a work of history or philosophy, not a prayer book, users manual, timeline, poem or palimpsest – and yet it is all these things. – Jonathan Safran Foer