Quote by James Roosevelt
It is really quite amazing that all of the folks supporting privat

It is really quite amazing that all of the folks supporting privatization, from the president on down, keep invoking the name of my grandfather, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. – James Roosevelt

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When Im doing a film, I love getting together after work with my costars. But we get back to L.A. and Im like, I dont want to go to a club with you, dude. I mean, I think youre rad, and if you want to come play Scrabble with me, thats amazing. – Ginnifer Goodwin


If you think you dont want to play another psychopath, but the script is amazing, and the director is fantastic, and the story is incredible, then you may end up playing your third psychopath in a row. – Damian Lewis


When youre offered things, it makes it so much easier to be indecisive. And its silly because you can pass on some really amazing things. – Alicia Silverstone


I was given such a great gift. Its a miracle that never stops amazing me and reminding me to give thanks, every day. Having a wife and daughter gives me a lot more purpose. I was much more selfish before, but now I think about what kind of role model Ill be. I just want to be a better man. – Jake Owen


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