Quote by Thomas Kincade
People who put my paintings on their walls are putting their value

People who put my paintings on their walls are putting their values on their walls: faith, family, home, a simpler way of living, the beauty of nature, quiet, tranquillity, peace, joy, hope. They beckon you into this world that provides an alternative to your nightly news broadcast. – Thomas Kincade

Other quotes by Thomas Kincade

Everyone can identify with a fragrant garden, with beauty of sunset, with the quiet of nature, with a warm and cozy cottage. – Thomas Kincade

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I remember my mom had a big collection of copies of Saturday Evening Post magazines, and that was really my introduction to those great illustrators. – Thomas Kincade

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Beauty, like truth, is relative to the time when one lives and to the individual who can grasp it. The expression of beauty is in direct ratio to the power of conception the artist has acquired. – Gustave Courbet


My wife has brought great beauty into my life. And my daughter has brought me nothing but joy. Those qualities were greatly lacking. – Christopher Meloni


Handsome means many things to many people. If people consider me handsome, I feel flattered – and have my parents to thank for it. Realistically, it doesnt hurt to be good-looking, especially in this business. – Richard Chamberlain


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