People go to movies on Saturday to get away from the war in Iraq a

People go to movies on Saturday to get away from the war in Iraq and taxes and election news and pedophiles online and just go and have some fun. I like doing movies that are fun. – Samuel L. Jackson

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I remember when first, Stripes, and then Animal House came out – which I was really proud of, even though it was kind of loose and quite raucous – there were imitative movies that were not quite as good. – Ivan Reitman


Making movies was more a reaction to not being chosen for sports. Other kids were out there playing at whatever I was off making something blow up and filming it, or making a mould of my sisters head using alginating plaster. – J. J. Abrams


Cinema is a matter of whats in the frame and whats out. – Martin Scorsese


But I dont think there has ever been anything written on the nature of violent man as deep and as thorough as Shakespeares Titus. I think it puts all modern movies and modern exploitations of violence to shame. – Julie Taymor


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Disease, insanity, and death were the angels that attended my cradle, and since then have followed me throughout my life. – Edvard Munch


My mother taught me about the power of inspiration and courage, and she did it with a strength and a passion that I wish could be bottled. – Carly Fiorina


And to me, fame is not a positive thing. The idea of being famous is a lot better than the reality. Its fantastic when you go to premieres and people cheer you, but its not real. And its totally not my approach to get my name on a club door just because I can. – Tom Felton


Im receiving 300 to 500 letters every week from people telling me that God used my stories to save their marriage or to introduce them to Christ or to heal a relationship that had been broken. – Karen Kingsbury
