The past is an old armchair in the attic, the present an ominous ticking sound, and the future is anybodys guess. – James Thurber
There are two kinds of light — the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures. – James Thurber
The past is an old armchair in the attic, the present an ominous ticking sound, and the future is anybodys guess. – James Thurber
There are two kinds of light — the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures. – James Thurber
But what is all this fear of and opposition to Oblivion? What is the matter with the soft Darkness, the Dreamless Sleep? – James Thurber
From one casual of mine he picked this sentence. After dinner, the men moved into the living room. I explained to the professor that this was Rosss way of giving the men time to push back their chairs and stand up. There must, as we know, be a comma after every move, made by men, on this earth. – James Thurber
The typical human life seems to be quite unplanned, undirected, unlived, and unsavored. Only those who consciously think about the adventure of living as a matter of making choices among options, which they have found for themselves, ever establish real self-control and live their lives fully. – Karl Albrecht